It is 7:30am and I am kissing my soon to be wife goodbye for the day. I turn to walk away and my feet hurt.
I am barefoot and walking on gravel.
I am transported to a time where no one wore shoes. The concept of shoes does not exist. We used to have really strong feet and then shoes came along and fucked that up for us.
The shoe company won. They convinced us that we were in a hurry and our dumb feet were too antiquated to adequately support a metropolitan lifestyle.
I stood on the porch and heard a screaming bird. I thought,
“man birds really do sound a lot like dinosaurs…”
Dammit brain you have let me down again. I have absolutely no idea what dinosaurs actually sounded like. Jurassic Park and a few documentaries have corrupted my brain.
How many opinions do we have that sit there unchecked and unexplored? Created, crafted, and curated by a media company, Hollywood studio, or a random blogger?