We say it to our kids all the time. I will not be mad if you do not get straight A’s. We just want to know that you tried your hardest. Why do I feel like this message gets lost on us as we become adults. Is it peer recognition, trying to keep up with the Jones’s, or a label obsessed society that causes this?
As an adult I can look back at this statement with a little distant and perspective. As an adolescent I missed the mark on this lesson. I do not think my parent’s necessarily understood why they were saying it either. I know I have said it to my kids without any further examination.
The lesson here is that you should not be obsessed with the results. The real focus is on being disciplined enough to show up. To do your damn job. If you marry yourself to results you are going to be let down more times that not.
In your work, friendships, and marriage one of the worst places to be is left wondering what would have happened if you just tried a little harder.