When I was performing comedy there was always talk about finding your voice.
What are real laughs? Real laughs are like the tide. They crash in and slowly recede and then crash again. Fake laughs are polite. To stick with the wave analogy, real laughs are like the tide, and fake laughs are like stepping in a puddle.
Any-who, whenever a comic would start to get real laughs you would hear the promoter of the club and other peers say,
“Wow, would you look at that? They found their voice.”
If you’re an artist this is all old hat to you. Maybe you feel like you have found it, or maybe you are desperately seeking it.
So, how do you find it?
I can not give you an answer. It seems to me that some people are confident rather early on in their artistic careers and they seem to have a defined voice right off the bat. This is a subject observation. There is a strong possibility I am looking at these artists with a touch of jealously.
Point being I think self discovery is an endless pursuit and the only way to peel back the layers is to do work. If you are a painter, paint when you don’t feel like it.
A singer, sing when you don’t want to. Film maker, grab a camera, even if you don’t want to. You voice is inside of these situations.
Or not.
God. I did not want to write today.