A series of questions I ask myself.
For some context I am a freelance videographer by trade. I have a YouTube channel with a small audience that I am actively trying to grow. I am a Father who has full custody of his son. I recently asked my best friend to marry me. She has a daughter the same age as my son and she is with us half of the time. They are my primary responsibility at the moment. My life is crazy.
The idea of starting a blog and trying to create an online audience from scratch seems absolutely ridiculous. I have acquired enough skills if I wanted to I could go and get a job at a company and make a living that way. My fiance is also making enough of an income at her job that I could just be a full time stay at home dad. This is an option that we talk about from time to time.
So why the hell am I doing any of this?
The answer to that question changes often. Since I am home often I have been trying to figure out different ways to stay on task and to stay motivated. I consume a fair amount of self help podcasts, articles, and YouTube videos.
A few years ago I quit my job as a server because my then live in girlfriend started a job where her potential to earn more than both of our old incomes combined changed the way we played the game of life. I transitioned out of going to the restaurant and became a house husband. I lost my damn mind. I asked myself why a lot. I started consuming massive amounts of YouTube. At the time I did not have any active social media accounts.
I started learning about editing video. This is a skill I was not new to. In high school my friends and I made short films. Prior to that I always had a camera and edited prank clips and silly skits because I wanted to be like my idol, Tom Green. Nonetheless I became obsessed with learning new camera skills. I stopped asking myself why. I started feeling a lot better.
Now I sit here with years of experience. Countless interactions with clients, potential clients, fellow creators and a growing following on my YouTube account. This week I started asking myself why again. I was obsessively asking myself why.
Overthinking leads to anxiety, anxiety causes stress, stress kills you.
II have a lot of noise going on in my head. Action subdues this noise. To get myself out of the pattern of over analysis I had to stop asking myself why. I started asking myself who. Who can I help? Who can I make something for? Who can I write something for? Who can I make a video for?
Who not why.
I wrote this article for you. If you are overthinking and you want some relief. Ask yourself who instead of why and go do something for them.
A link to my youtube channel is attached below.