As a freelancer it can be feast of famine.
The idea of saying no to any job may seem completely ridiculous when you are first starting out.
As you progress down your career path, no is going to become the most powerful word in your vocabulary.
Saying yes to jobs that are going to take up your time is also you saying no to something that could be potentially more important. I just said no to a job that I would have said yes to a few years ago. It was a job outside of my niche and I understood that saying yes to that job would have provided me lots of other opportunities with the same person and anyone who they referred me to.
It was a real estate photography job. Real Estate photography sucks. You can’t charge a premium because the photos don’t stay around long enough to be worth a higher price tag. The turn around is much too quick for the expectations and I’m glad that I learned how much I hated it early in my career.
It is far better to be the lion who waits for big game to feed on instead of the lion who hunts for field mice. Field mice are easy to catch but you’ll still die of starvation.
If you’re a real estate photography. I am sorry.